- WANGO formally incorporated (October 3)
- Dr. Wally N’Dow, former UN Assistant Secretary General and Secretary-General of Habitat II, appointed as first Secretary General
- Millennium Declaration of the United Nations: A Response from Civil Society conference co-sponsored by WANGO
 - 16 international NGOs and 15 prominent leaders found WAUNNGO, precursor to WANGO (August 1, 2000)
- Dr. Nicholas Kittrie, President of Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Peace and Justice, becomes Chair of WAUNNGO
- WAUNNGO supports Assembly 2000, Renewing the United Nations and Building a Culture of Peace
November & December
- WANGO co-sponsors programs throughout the world to share the values and vision of the Millennium Declaration with all sectors of civil society
- International seminars sponsored by WANGO in Washington, D.C.
- WANGO granted tax-exempt status (August 28)

 - Co-sponsorship of Global Violence: Crisis and Hope conference in New York City, with attendees from 101 nations
- Association opens new international headquarters in Westchester County, New York
 - Convocation of World Leaders, "Dialogue and Harmony Among Civilizations", co-sponsored by WANGO
 - Serving the Nation, Serving the World international conference co-sponsored by WANGO
- WANGO staff at office in UN Plaza in New York City witness first hand the devastating attack on World Trade Center

 - WANGO organizes international conference on The United Nations, East Asia and World Peace in the Age of Global Governance at UN Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand
- WANGO adopts new Bylaws on November 30, codifying structure as global, general purpose, membership association of NGOs
- Taj Hamad elected first Secretary General under the Association’s new bylaws
- WANGO co-sponsors World Culture and Sports Festival 2002

- Sustainable Development and Sustainability seminar sponsored at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa

 - WANGO Annual Conference 2002, Culture of Responsibility and the Role of NGOs, held in Washington, D.C.
- Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak elected Chairman of first International Council (WANGO's governing Body, elected by WANGO membership).
- First Government-NGO interactive session held, bringing government officials and NGO leaders together to discuss issue of common concern

- First WANGO training workshops initiated
- WANGO Awards Banquet and presentation of NGO Awards and Universal Peace Award
 - Association serves as secretariat office for International Symposium on the United States and the United Nations
- First edition of Beyond Boundaries, WANGO’s quarterly newsletter, published
 - Third International Symposium on the USA and the UN
- The Association achieves 1,000 NGO membership level
- United Nations Treaty Collection: Multilateral Treaties on Terrorism 1963-1999 published
 - Secretary General Taj Hamad completes visits to ten nations during the year, sharing the WANGO vision

- Culture of Responsibility and the Role of NGOs (Eds. Taj Hamad, Dr. Frederick Swarts, Anne Smart) publication released

- WANGO seminar for Ghana NGO leaders in Accra, Ghana
 - Universal Peace Award presented to HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (Thailand) by Secretary General Taj Hamad
- WANGO co-sponsors NGO conference in Tanzania
- WANGO Annual Conference 2003, Toward an Ethical and Caring Global Community, convened in Bangkok, Thailand
- Ghana national chapter inaugurated
- Awards Banquet and presentation of NGO Awards
- WANGO training seminars for Guatemalan municipal personnel
- The Association achieves membership in 140 nations

- WANGO Annual Conference 2004, Healing a Hurting World: The Role of NGOs, held in Budapest, Hungary
- WANGO NGO Awards presented
- Dominican Republic, Hungary, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka national chapters recognized
- Development, Social Justice and Civil Society (Ed., Dr. Thomas Ward) publication released
 - WANGO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Montevideo, Uruguay
- First edition of Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs completed and published
- WANGO E-news launched
- Play Soccer Make Peace! project inaugurated

 - First WANGO seminar held in Spain

- Universal Peace Award presented to H.E. Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda (Zambia) by WANGO’s Secretary General Taj Hamad
- WANGO gave its support to the Fifth Annual All Nigeria NGO Summit in Bauchi, Nigeria
- Taj Hamad, Secretary General of WANGO, represented the NGO sector in the debate, "Currencies of Trust: God and Mammon," at the British Museum
- Representatives of the WANGO Secretariat participated in the 2nd Annual International Roundtable on Service and Volunteerism held in Washington, D.C.

- WANGO Annual Conference, The Role of NGOs in Creating a World Fit For Children, convened in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia national chapters recognized
- Awards Banquet and presentation of NGO Awards

- WANGO's Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs was published, culminating more than two and a half years of effort. It was highly approved and endorsed by NGOs worldwide
- The inauguration of the Sri Lanka WANGO chapter was celebrated in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
- Thirty-one Play Soccer Make Peace! projects, linking sports and peace at the grassroots level, were completed between July 2004 and July 2005

- Dr. Noel Brown, WANGO International Council member, affirmed the vital role of NGOs and the value of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs at International Leadership Convocation in New York
- Play Soccer Make Peace! (PSMP) participated in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Conference on Ethics, Social Capital and Development.
- The WANGO International Council met in Tarrytown, NY.

- The Nigeria National Volunteer Service adopted the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs, which will serve as the proposed framework for NGO legislation in Nigeria.
- PSMP presented its peacebuilding model at the International Conference on Sport and Development in Cape Town, South Africa.


- Taj Hamad chaired a panel with international parliamentarians and NGOs leaders on "Peacebuilding and Human Development," during the World Summit on Peace in Seoul, Korea.
- Africa Regional Coordinator, Mrs. Anne Smart, visited both Ghana and Nigeria WANGO Chapters, and participated in WANGO Nigeria’s Annual General Meeting.

- Over 300 NGOs representing 64 countries signed during 2006 as supporters of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs via the WANGO website.
- More than 100 volunteers and interns assisted during the year in supporting NGOs worldwide by helping the WANGO Secretariat with its projects and activities.
- The WANGO Secretariat recruited three additional personnel in 2006.


- Taj Hamad, WANGO Secretary General, moderated the session, "Faith Leaders and Communities of Hope," during the first International Conference on Faith and Service held in Washington, DC.

- WANGO Zambia introduced the Stay Alive HIV/AIDS education program for teachers and children in several communities.
- The Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs in Arabic, translated by Ms. Wajeeha Al-Baharna of Bahrain Women’s Society, is posted on the website.

- The second PSMP all-Ukrainian Youth Soccer Tournament was held in Kyev, Ukraine.


- The first PSMP regional tournament was held in Amman, Jordan with youth teams representing 8 countries.

- The NGO Revolution was released. Edited by Dr. Ann Iparraguirre and Jean Rondon, the book offers insights on the NGO sector’s impact in society, with real NGO stories and applicable solutions for healing the world and creating a world fit for children.
- The WANGO website was redesigned. New features include "Featured NGO" on the homepage where different member organizations are highlighted regularly.

 - WANGO Chapter, Dominican Republic, represented the NGO sector by addressing the government directly in response to its abrupt cut of funding to NGOs in the Dominican Republic.

 - WANGO's Africa Rising Fundraiser, held June 8 in New York City, focused on celebrating African NGOs and recognizing the achievements of Africa's grassroots organizations.

- The Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs was translated into Lithuanian and included in a book published by Transparency International, Lithuania.


- Five WANGO Awards were celebrated during the First World Congress on Early Childhood Education for Peace on Saturday, April 21, in Albacete, Spain.

- The opening of the village of New Ngelepen, Indonesia, a successful venture of WANGO connecting the generous support of Emaar Properties, the well-intentioned expertise of Domes for the World Foundation, and the resilient spirit of the people of Ngelepen, was celebrated by national and area leaders, the donor, WANGO representatives, and the village families and neighbors.

- Anne Smart of the WANGO Secretariat visited Nigeria and Ghana Chapter members, participated in meetings with the members, and visited several organization members’ projects and programs.


- The World Congress of NGOs was convened November 8-11, at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto, Canada.

- Five WANGO Awards were presented during the World Congress of NGOs, in the categories of Environment, Humanitarian, Peace & Security, and Education, Media, and the Arts, as well as the Universal Peace Award.
- The Toronto Declaration of NGO Core Values, a formulation of twelve core values, was developed, contributed to and accepted by the attendees of the World Congress of NGOs held in Toronto, Canada.

- The first young women's Play Football Make Peace tournament was held in Mississauga, Canada, a town just outside of Toronto, with five teams of girls age seventeen and under experiencing a weekend of education, competition and fun.

- Play Football Make Peace tournament held in Estonia.

- First WANGO African Regional Conference held in Accra, Ghana from April 24-26 on the theme "NGOs as Agents of Positive Change."
- Zero Illiteracy Project (ZIP) launched at the 2008 WANGO African Conference. Done under the auspices of WANGO, ZIP seeks to substantially reduce level of illiteracy in African society using nonprofit organizations as drivers of the change.

- Received by founder James Kofi Annan, the nonprofit organization Challenging Heights is recipient of the 2008 WANGO Education Award.

- Mohammed Attah visits WANGO chapters in DR Congo and Zambia, and coordinates the 5th General Assembly of the WANGO Nigeria Chapter.

- The Code of Ethics Compliance Manual is completed by the Code of Ethics International Work Group

- Mohammed Bougei Attah, WANGO's Africa Regional Coordinator, addresses seminar in Nigeria organized by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum and the Association of Local Government of Nigeria.

 - The 2008 Parnu Summer Cup, organized by WANGO's Play Football Make Peace, is held in Estonia. Involved in this soccer tournament are 97 teams and close to 1600 players between the ages of 10-16, making it the largest-ever tournament in Estonia and perhaps in the Baltic region.

- WANGO's Africa Regional Coordinator, Mohammed Attah, addresses the 18th World Congress of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 - Secretary General Taj Hamad presents a keynote address at the 3 rd NGO Forum in Cairo, Egypt, where the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs helped serve as the foundation for development of a code of ethics and conduct for Egyptian NGOs.

- Secretary General Taj Hamad presents keynote address at the 7 th Annual Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue in Qatar.

- Taj Hamad presents at the International Congress on Distinguished Senior Citizens of the World in Istanbul, Turkey.

- Secretary General Taj Hamad and WANGO Vice Chairman Dr. Noel Brown present WANGO's Universal Peace Award, its highest award for individuals, to Bill Drayton, founder of Ashoka.

- Taj Hamad presents a special award, the Bicentennial Award for Service to Humanity, to Hospicio de San Jose, an NGO that serves children and the needy in the Philippines and is beginning celebration of the 200th year since its founding.

- Mohammed Attah, WANGO's Africa Regional Coordinator, participated in a Management of NGOs training in India at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of
India from July 4 until August 12.

- An international committee working under the auspices of WANGO completes the Code of Ethics of the Family, which provides an ethical framework for families. Recognizing the family as the core unit of society, the Code systematically identifies some of the key universal standards and ethical practices recognized by harmonious families.
- Secretary General Taj Hamad and WANGO Vice Chairman Dr. Noel Brown address the 2009 Global Forum on Human Settlements in Beijing, China, and Taj Hamad subsequently presents a talk at the Great Hall of the People.

 - On February 5, 2010, WANGO Secretary General Taj Hamad presented the WANGO Education Award to the Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH) in a ceremony held in Scottsdale, Arizona. The award was received by Dr. Julie H. Sullivan, President and CEO of IFESH,. IFESH is one the premier NGOs working in sub-Saharan Africa.

 - Conveyed from June 8-9 on the theme Enhancing Human Dignity: The Role of NGOs, the 2010 World Congress of NGOs utilized a unique online platform in gathering leaders of nongovernmental organizations from throughout the world.
Dialogue for Action, June 24 (New York City)

- WANGO joined together with the International Herald Tribune and The New York Forum as partners with the Cécelia Attias Foundation for Women for the Foundation's program "Dialogue for Action," held June 24 in New York City.

Annual Conference of the Chinese Eminent Business Association
- In the second half of August 2010, the WANGO Secretary General was invited by the Chinese Eminent Business Association as a guest of honor and speaker in their Annual Conference, held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
- On August 9, 2010, a cooperative agreement was signed between the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and WANGO.
 - On May 17, 2010, at an event held at the UN Headquarters in New York for the International Day of Families, WANGO unveiled a Code of Ethics of the Family.

 - Participants from Belgium, France, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States joined attendees from many African nations for the 2010 WANGO Africa Regional Conference, held July 1-4 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Election of New Chair of the WANGO International Council.
- In September of 2010, Dr. Sun Jo Hwang was elected as the new chair of WANGO's International Council.


- WANGO joined the International Federation for Ageing in supporting a major conference held by Turyak, an umbrella group for elders based in Turkey. This 2nd International Distinguished Senior Citizens Conference took place December 3-6, 2010 in Istanbul.

- The 6th Global Forum on Human Settlements, held in New York, is supported by WANGO.


 - WANGO and H.E. Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy, former Prime Minister of Egypt and Chairman of the
General Federation of NGOs and Foundations, signed a memorandum of understanding on the Code of Ethics of the Family.

- Dr. Ibrahim Gambari, former UN Under Secretary-General for Political Affairs, is the recipient of the 2011 WANGO Universal Peace Award.

- Mohammed Attah, WANGO’s Africa Regional Coordinator, represented WANGO at the 2011 Busan Global Civil Society Forum in Korea.
- WANGO participated in Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil. The conference resulted in the "Future We Want" outcome document outlining the need to establish a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


- Secretary General Taj Hamad presented at the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2013 at the UN General Assembly in New York.
 - The 2013 WANGO Environment Award is presented to World Information Transfer, an international NGO in general consultative status with the UN that has been active in promoting environmental health and literacy since 1987.

- WANGO participated in an African Union summit on agriculture and food security held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the second half of January.

 - Taj Hamad addressed the Doha GOALS Forum 2014 in Qatar,
speaking about the role of sports in peace and development and WANGO’s Play Soccer Make Peace program.
.jpg) - Taj Hamad spoke on a panel with UN, nonprofit, and academic leaders on "Family and the Post 2015 Development Agenda," during the Doha International Conference, themed "Empowering Families: A Pathway to Development" in Doha, Qatar.
- WANGO participated in COP21, the 2015 Paris Climate
Conference, in France. The conference led to the adoption of the landmark Paris Agreement by 197 countries.
 - The 10th Global Forum on Human Settlements, convened at the UN Headquarters in New York, focused on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, is supported by WANGO.

- Mohammed Attah, WANGO’s Africa Regional Coordinator, named a mentor in the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme, which supports young people, aged 18-29, from across the Commonwealth who are taking the lead in their communities and using their skills to transform lives.

- WANGO participated in the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey.
 - The inaugural WANGO Literary Peace Award is presented to Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, Director General of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) and author of the award-winning book "The Mirage."

- WANGO, in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Grenada and The Gambia to the UN, held a seminar on "Intellectual War and Extremist Groups" on April 7, 2016 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
- WANGO participated in Habitat III, the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, in Quito, Ecuador.
- Taj Hamad addressed the 11th Global Forum on Human Settlements, "Compact Sustainable City Offers a Better Life," held in parallel to Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador.
 - The WANGO website is redesigned.

- WANGO participated in the Intergenerational Dialogues on the
SDGs at the UN Headquarters in New York.

- WANGO was invited by the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to participate in the "The Role of African CSOs in Preventing Violent Extremism in Africa" Expert Group Meeting, held from November 28 to 29, 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria.
- WANGO supported the 26th International Conference on Health and
Environment, held at the UN Headquarters in New York, on the theme "Health and Environment: The Oceans and Us."
 - The 12th Global Forum on Human Settlements, convened at the UN Headquarters in New York, focused on effective planning and management of urban spatial development, is co-organized by WANGO.
- The 13th Global Forum on Human Settlements, convened at the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, focused on urban innovations toward achieving SDG 11, is supported by WANGO.
 - WANGO’s Chairman Taj Hamad chaired a session on faith-based involvement in early childhood development held in Bali, Indonesia during the 2018 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund.
- WANGO supported the 27th International Conference on Health and
Environment, held at the UN Headquarters in New York.
.jpg) - Taj Hamad, WANGO’s Chairman, spoke at the Inter Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics’ program Levant Initiative for World Peace at the Italian Senate in Rome, Italy

- Taj Hamad, WANGO’s Chairman, presented at the World Information Transfer 2019 Speaker Series: Promoting Health and Environmental Literacy in New York.

- WANGO participated in the 2019 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C.
- WANGO participated in the World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- The 28th International Conference on Health and Environment is
supported by WANGO.
 - The 14th Global Forum on Human Settlements, "Harnessing the Power of Digital Revolution for Urban Sustainability and Prosperity," convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is supported by WANGO.
- WANGO was a partner of the Global Leadership in the 21st Century: Strategies for Transformative Global Leadership virtual conference.

- WANGO participated in the World Summit 2020 in Seoul, Korea.
.jpg) - The virtual 15th Global Forum on Human Settlements conference, focused on accelerating a green pandemic recovery, is supported by WANGO.
- WANGO was a partner of the first Reuters Next virtual summit, convened from January 11 to 14, 2021.
- Over 6,000 NGOs representing 164 countries have signed as supporters of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs via the WANGO website.

- The Intellectual Leadership Platform: Series 1: Third Sector webinar, themed “Repositioning Leadership for Sustainable Economic Growth,” is supported by WANGO.

 - The inaugural Tourism for Peace Award is presented to Gerard “Jerry” Inzerillo, CEO of Diriyah Gate Development Authority and Vice Chairman of Forbes Travel Guide.

 - WANGO and the World Academy of Art & Science in partnership with the UN Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) conducted a survey on human security for NGOs.

 - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and WANGO collaborated to hold a webinar on how nonprofit organizations can work with the agency.

- The virtual 16th Global Forum on Human Settlements, “Accelerate Green Transformation and
Innovation Towards Healthy, Resilient, and Carbon-neutral Cities,” organized in observance of
World Cities Day 2021, is supported by WANGO.
- WANGO was a partner of the first Reuters IMPACT virtual forum, held from October 4 to 6,

 - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and WANGO co-hosted a second
webinar on how nonprofit organizations can work with the agency.
- Mohammed Attah, WANGO’s Africa Regional Coordinator, received a service award on behalf of
WANGO, from a nonprofit in Nigeria.

 - The World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO Center)
collaborated with WANGO to produce the article, “Mediation for NGOs,” and raise awareness of
mediation and its benefits for non-governmental organizations.


- WANGO participated in the virtual Colloquium Towards Mobilizing Action and Driving
Engagement: The Role of Civil Society in the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.

 - The virtual 17th Global Forum on Human Settlements, focused on how to make cities resilient,
carbon-neutral, and nature-positive and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris
Agreement, is supported by WANGO.

 - WANGO participated in the second part of the 5th UN Conference on the Least Developed
Countries (LDC5) convened in Doha, Qatar on the theme “From Potential to Prosperity.”

