The Code of Ethics of the Family systematically identifies some of the key universal standards and ethical practices recognized by harmonious families. This code of ethics and standards of good conduct of the family was first unveiled on May 17, 2010, at an event held at the UN Headquarters in New York for the International Day of Families. Completed by an international committee of leaders of the non-governmental, intergovernmental, and academic sectors, working under the auspices of WANGO, it is designed to be broadly applicable to families worldwide.
The Code of Ethics of the Family is designed to be short and simple. It is designed so that individual families can discuss this code with their family members -- parents and children -- and either adopt it as it is or modify it to make a code individualized for their particular family. It is short enough that one can display it as a regular reminder of the basic principles that harmonious families share; their duties as parents, children, and siblings; and their responsibilities as a family to the larger society.
Click here to download the Code of Ethics of the Family

Much of the inspiration for the Code of Ethics of the Family can be attributed to H.E. Dr. Abdelaziz Hegazy, the former Prime Minister of Egypt and former Chairman of the General Federation of NGOs and Foundations. On May 11, 2009, in a private meeting in Cairo with WANGO Chairman Taj Hamad and Dr. Frederick Swarts, Dr. Hegazy revealed his dream for the development of such a code. Subsequently, in an address prepared for the 2009 International Day of the Families Symposium, an event co-sponsored by WANGO on May 18, 2009, Dr. Hegazy re-affirmed this goal: "For this reason, we ask civil society organizations . . . to call for the establishment of a code of ethics and standards of good conduct for every family to follow, no matter where they are. The code will form the basis for a social and sacred covenant that highlights the rights and duties for the family and the individual.”
Families everywhere are encouraged to either adopt this code or utilize it for developing their own code, such as The Code of Ethics of the Smith Family, The Code of Ethics of the Hamad Family, or The Code of Ethics of the Ikeno Family. Suggestions for improvement of the Code may be sent to secretariat@wango.org.
Click here to download the Code of Ethics of the Family