Classes of Organization Membership

WANGO Organization Members are one of four classes:

A   Regular

Regular Organization Membership is open to non-governmental organizations whose primary functions are consistent with the purposes of the Association. Non-governmental organization is defined in accordance with United Nations ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 and 2001 United Nations DPI guidelines as any non-profit organization that is not established by a governmental entity or intergovernmental agreement and which is organized on a local, national, sub-regional, regional, or international level. This category includes private colleges and universities. Representatives from each Regular Organization Member have the right to participate fully in the Association's meetings and activities, including the right to vote and hold elective office. Representatives will normally be one of the officers or directors of the organization.

B   Senior

Senior Organization Membership is the highest membership class to which an organization can apply for membership. Senior Organization Membership is at the discretion of the International Executive Committee and, as a minimum, can be awarded only to non-governmental organizations which either have chapters or full-time offices in four or more nations, or which have more than 10,000 individual members, or which are associations representing at least 100 institutions or organizations, or which are reputable universities. Representatives from each Senior Organization Member shall have the right to participate fully in the Association's meetings and activities, including the right to vote and hold elective office. Whereas Regular Organization Members shall have the right to designate one voting representative, Senior Organization Members shall have the right to designate two voting representatives.

C   Affiliate

Affiliate Organization Membership shall be available to organizations other than non-governmental organizations, such as governmental and inter-governmental bodies and businesses, which are engaged in functions consistent with the purposes of the Association. Representatives from each Affiliate Organization Member shall have the right to participate in the Association's meetings and activities, but they shall not have the right to vote or to hold elective office in the Association.

D   Honorary

Honorary Organization Membership may be awarded by resolutions of the Association on recommendations of the International Executive Committee for any organizations, not members of WANGO, who in the opinion of the International Executive Committee have contributed significantly to uplifting the quality of life in the world. Such organizations shall remain as Honorary Organization Members at the pleasure of the Association. Representatives from each Honorary Organization Member shall have the right to participate in the Association's meetings and activities, but they shall not have the right to vote or to hold elective office in the Association.

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© 2025. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations