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 Support the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs

The Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs is a set of fundamental principles, operational principles, and standards developed by WANGO to help guide nonprofit and non-governmental organizations worldwide to ethically and transparently govern their operations.

As a display of commitment and solidarity among NGOs in upholding ethical behavior throughout the sector, WANGO invites all registered NGOs, nonprofit organizations, charities and foundations worldwide to be included on this website as "Supporters of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NGOs." (Click here to view complete list of supporters)

The information given above for your organization will appear in the Worldwide NGO Directory. (To provide more comprehensive information on your organization for the directory, you may fill in the information for your organization on the List Your NGO page. Be sure to check the box on the bottom of the form to subscribe to receiveal regular updates from WANGO.)

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© 2025. WANGO - World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations